These are all personal faves selected by the small team here at TheLovieDiaries - where possible we have linked out to a free copy/youtube video of where to see the speech so you can get a feel for the writing before beginning.
Don’t forget to follow the golden rules for looking at audition speeches when choosing your options:
- Find something similar to you in age if possible
- Find a speech that allows you to channel your lived experiences through
- Find a speech that really excites you
- Try to find a speech that is engaging with someone rather than reflecting/telling a story as it's easier to lose intention of who you’re talking to and what you want from the other person with these types of speeches.
- Follow the schools rules on what they’re looking for (IE - no TV/film scripts, must be post-19XX etc)
OLEANNA - David Mamet - "Carol"
A great play by David Mamet - I really recommend reading it (its a page turner!), I also recommend seeing the show thats out on tour at the moment! This speech is great because there is a clear want and intention for Carol, there is a clear frustrated dynamic between the two characters and the speech really builds momentum.
- PDF of the monologue
- Full script (warning - its formatted a little odd - line breaks between each character shift - 2 people)
- Currently showing Oleanna at the Arts Theatre
BEEN SO LONG - Che Walker - "Simone"
(There are great male speeches for ‘Raymond’ but I can’t find these online - trust me they’re fab - if you can buy the original script {not the musical version} then do!)
I personally love this speech because it suited my accent - I find it really hard to choose a speech where the language can really lean into the piece - and its fiery! Simone is telling Raymond exactly how she feels and she goes through so many emotions in this one speech that it really gives you range to play around.
YERMA - Simon Stone - “Her”
This appeals to me (as a slightly older person auditioning!) so much - not only is this play sensational (I URGE you to watch the NT version) but the feelings are just so raw! The monologue below is just one monologue to consider - there are SO many for ‘Her’ that I just say - watch the play and find a section that pulls your heart.
There are so many fabulous monologues in this play (especially for Mark and Rosie - for slightly older auditionees (like me!) Pip has a great speech around the middle of the play). Each character is going through their own journey - Rosie is growing up and struggling between family and finding her own way, Mark is on a journey of self-discovery and coming to terms with his new life as ‘Mia’ and Pip is going through the throws of married life but struggles as she's fallen in love with another man.
- Read the play here (free 30 day trial with Scribd)
- Watch the production here (free 7 day trial Digital Theatre)
POMONA - Alistair McDowal - “CHARLIE”
This is definitely not for the faint-hearted..trigger warning - there is a lot of sexual talk in this monologue - it comes across as comedic but that isn’t Charlie’s intention. A great speech for people that want to explore comedy/seriousness in the same mix.
Again, another beautiful speech for people that don’t have RP accents! This is a slightly more comedic speech for anyone wanting a slightly lighter/contrasting monologue!
- Monologue (2nd one down)
- Watch the play on NT at home
- Full script
LUNGS - Duncan Macmillan - “Woman”
This woman has desperately wanted a child and has been trying to convince her partner to have one with her and they have finally agreed. A great speech to really find the thought and drive intention.
- Monologue (4th down)
(typically a male monologue but could be for played either way)
There is a real hope and urgency in this piece and Suzan-Lori Parks is one of the most influential playwrights of our time so even if you don’t choose this speech, you should definitely research her and read the play.
Great for people with accents that aren't RP too! (I always struggled to find these and a lot of you have asked me for them)
If you prefer watching the plays as opposed to reading them; a lot of these are available to stream!
- Digital Theatre (sign up for a 1-month subscription £9.99 but they have 1-week free trial - so plan wisely and you wont have to pay!)
- National Theatre at home (£9.99 a month - no free trial but again if you organise it well and team up with some other friends auditioning you can split the cost for the month).
- Marquee TV (£8.99 a month - no free trial but same as above - they also give you two months with this option)
- BritBox (have over 20 RSC productions - £5.99 a month but you DO get a free trial!)
- BBC iPlayer (tons of free plays to watch here)
- Drama Online - (This is such a great resource and many schools have subscriptions which means you don’t have to pay - ask your school if they have access - if not they can get a free trial as an institution so get on their case to apply for you!)
We are always on our Instagram DM’s for advice so please feel free to drop us a message if you need any advice or have any questions about applying!
Tasha x